Perl Webstats Statistics
Summary Statistics (2001/04/01 - 2001/04/30)
Report running time: 2.17 minutes
Processed 14,040 out of 21,167 lines from 1 log(s).

Reports: Summary | User Agents/Platforms | Daily Activity | Host Activity | Page Activity | Host Referrer Activity | Page Referral Activity | Outbound Referrals Activity | Search Engine Analysis | User Activity | Traffic Distribution Over Time | Access Denied Requests | Server Error Request

User Agents/Platforms
Total number of unique user agents562
Total number of unique platforms6

Daily Activity
Total number of days covered30
Total number of hits14,040
Total number of visits2,769
Total number of pages served8,525
Total number of KB transferred187,884.74

Host Activity
Total number of hosts visiting2,426

Page Activity
Total number of page hits8,525
Total number of unique page requests658
Total number of unique page entrances used192

Host Referrer Activity
Total number of unique hosts referring to this site52
Total number of unique domains referring to this site32
Total number of hits from typed URLS or bookmarks3,646

Page Referral Activity
Total number of pages referred to110

Outbound Referrals Activity
Total number of referrals off-site made274
Total number of sites referred to69

Search Engine Analysis
Total number of search engines used to find this server17

User Activity
Total number of users using the site0

Traffic Distribution Over Time
Busiest half-hour of the day12:30-13:00
Busiest day of the weekWednesday

Access Denied Requests
Total number of requests that were denied access350
Total number of unique requests that were denied access68

Server Error Request
Total number of requests that generated errors0
Total number of unique requests that generated errors0

Report generated by Perl WebStats, v3.1© 1999-2001, Gallant Technologies, Inc. Licensed under GPL.