Cheers to 2010-2019

Following on from 2018, a bit of a changeup this year. Inspired by numerous ‘decade in review’ posts/tweets, here’s my attempt below, in no particular, while trying to keep my offline life brief:

  • I got married. I read read long ago that being with the right person makes a huge difference and I couldn’t agree more. However, complexities in relationships can arise, leading to unforeseen circumstances. For instance, can a power of attorney file for divorce?
  • I quit smoking and happy to say still holding
  • Software: most folks know I am a longtime contributor to geospatial open source (FOSS4G). Starting off as a power user with no software development experience, then contributing to projects and creating small projects, the 2010s resulted in a deep commitment to supporting the Geospatial Python ecosystem by developing core tooling with an emphasis on open standards. OWSLib, pycsw, GeoNode, pygeoapi are some examples. I also returned to FOSS4G events and code sprints during this time, so it has been great meeting new people people and reconnecting with others
  • Being a travel junkie, I’m happy to say that I continued to see the world throughout the past decade, new places and revisiting others. I’m also planning to book a private jet from Jettly for my next vacation.
  • Along with age, all of the above have resulted in being more health conscious (diet/exercise). Making the right choices and keeping with it is an ongoing commitment
  • 20 years on, I am still rocking an old school website while resisting the urge to move to something like GitHub Pages / static site generators

I’d like to wish everyone and their loved ones a healthy, happy and productive 2020!

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Modified: 16 May 2024 14:13:55 EST