Cheers to 2018

What a year!  Following on from 2017, in no particular order, here goes:

  • Bonn Code Sprint: talk about a worthwhile event!  It was great to meet old and new OSGeo hackers.  Serious progress made on many projects (keep reading)
  • OWSLib: thanks to Carsten Ebrecht, we finally have a much better handling on tests (moving to pytest, skipping hosts that are down, etc.).
  • OSGeo Board of Directors: I was honoured and excited to be nominated and elected into the Board and look forward to helping guide the way for the Foundation
  • pycsw: we released 2.2 at the Bonn Code Sprint, and our Athens dev meeting in the summer helped paved the way for pycsw 3.0 which will get a major revamp given the direction of the OGC service architecture modernization
  • GeoHealthCheck: thanks to Just Van Den Broecke and others we made progress this year on per resource scheduling and Docker.  In related news, check out GeoQoS which provides GHC as a service.  Great work Just!
  • PyWPS: this Python based WPS server graduated as an OSGeo project!  Congratulations to the community and thanks for helping with incubation
  • GeoUsage: following the UNIX philosophy, this lightweight Python package provides OWS aware web analytics.  Handy for finding out your top requested WMS layers, for example
  • pygeoapi: born out of the OGC WFS 3 hackathon and Bonn Code Sprint, pygeoapi provides WFS 3 capability and a way forward framework for OGC web services (read REST/JSON).  A clean break from the traditional OGC service interface design pattern
  • adventures in Go: in the new horizons category, geocatalogo and jivan were developed to support the STAC and WFS3 APIs using Go and everything it brings to the table.  I have to admit, even as a Python die-hard, Go is fun to work with and has great potential for the long term
  • Pydap: we revived Pydap this fall by providing access for more maintainers and clearing out some of the issue backlog
  • GeoMet: as part of the Meteorological Service of Canada we released a major upgrade to our national realtime weather WMS, thanks to MapServer and Python MapScript.  1000s of weather layers via OGC standards!
  • CCCS: the Canadian Centre for Climate Services was launched in the fall and I was lucky enough to architect the provisioning of 1000s of climate datasets as OGC Web Services and the extraction tool.  As part of this effort we used pygeoapi to serve out our station data archives and mappyfile/MapServer/Python MapScript for historical and forecast climate datasets.  As icing on the cake we’ve published our relevant source code to GitHub to boot — check it out!  I can’t recommend enough mappyfile for those who need composable mapfile workflows!
  • health
    • another year (circa 2012) of not smoking
    • I’ve put on most of the weight I lost in the last couple of years (no excuses).  Back on it in 2019 I promise.

For 2019:

  • OGC next generation APIs: one way or another all major OGC service specifications will undergo the REST/JSON/clean break treatment.  This means updates to servers and clients accordingly (read pycsw, PyWPS, pygeoapi, MapServer, OWSLib, etc.), as well as supporting tools
  • OSGeo Board: there is an interest in geospatial Python implementations from the OGC and I’ll be looking for ways to market geopython more to OGC from an OSGeo perspective
  • Pydap: I think this is the year that I do something real with Pydap.  On deck is stable deployment and custom handlers for weather data

I’d like to wish everyone and their loved ones a healthy, happy and productive 2019!

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Modified: 22 October 2023 22:07:58 EST