Bye Bye 2020
So 2020 didn’t quite work out as expected or hoped. Still, in a year where days seemed to fold into one another, the 24 hour home office and endless virtual meetings, some successes:
- pygeoapi: the Python OGC API server continues to pick up steam. The project was presented, demoed and discussed at numerous events. 2020 saw the addition of support for OGC API – Coverages, OGC API – Tiles, STAC, as well as improvements to OGC API – Processing job management and queryables
- more Geopython: pycsw, PyWPS, OWSLib, GeoHealthCheck continue to be developed/maintained, and we are starting to see OGC API support trickling in. Big thanks to the communities that support those projects. pygeometa has been refactored for supporting any metadata format output, which further positions the project for STAC and JSON-based metadata exchange
- WMO: with the new WMO structure in place, I was honoured to be nominated to the Standing Committee on Information Management and Technology (SC-IMT), as well as chairing the Expert Team on Metadata Standards of (ET-Metadata) and participation on ET-Data
- GeoMet: our weather/climate/water API platform continues to grow with more open data and OGC API support, powering the Canadian Centre for Climate Services, WeatherCAN, Canadian Open Data and beyond
- OGC API: Records and Coverages are groups that I was particularly involved in to move forward discovery and raster data API access. I look forward to help lock down these standards
- OSGeo Board of Directors: I was honoured to be re-elected for a second term to the Board and look forward helping OSGeo grow, particularly with regards to standards implementation in the Community
- health
- another year (circa 2012) of not smoking
- the pandemic has not been easy for weight management. Time to get back on that!
For 2021:
- OGC API: the march continues to modernize the API client/server ecosystem, and I’ll be targeting the Geopython projects, as well as QGIS, MapServer, GeoNode and associated Golang tools
- OSGeo: continue to foster interaction with standards development organizations (OGC, ISO TC211, etc.) and help navigate the community through these unprecedented times
- pycsw: update the pycsw core model to encompass OGC API as well as integration with pygeoapi
- pygeoapi: work on OGC API – Records and OGC API – Maps continues to progress and should make its way into master this year. Other candidates include OGC API – Styles and EDR API. In addition, I’m hoping this is the year we enter OSGeo incubation
- this website: revitalize the photo galleries and possibly migrating the blog into a static site generator approach
In summary, another year of firm belief in the Unix philosophy, composable workflow and lowering the barrier to geospatial data and tools for anyone.
I hope we have the ability at some point to see one another this year, whether at a code sprint or meeting/event. I’d like to wish everyone and their loved ones a healthy, safe, happy and, well, better 2021!