Archive for September, 2007

MapServer 5.0 released

Fresh off the press, check it out.

Greetings from Rarified Boulder

16th Street Mall, DenverI’m in Boulder, Colorado for the OGC meetings. I had a chance to check out Denver earlier today (16th Street Mall, as well stumbling upon a Latin-American festival), which was very nice. The mountains are absolutely breathtaking!

I’m going to try to hook up with Sean sometime this week, as he is close by. In the meantime, check out some photos from today — I’ll be updating these as the week goes on.

UNIX Magic

Saw this via digg earlier today, and couldn’t help but appreciate the “magic” of UNIX for the nth time.

My first foray into the UNIX world (years ago) was the result of a colleague (Mike Adair, of mapbuilder fame) who advised me to take UNIX training. I needed to script and chain processes together as part of a system to create a ground control point database. The rest, as they say, is history.

As the years go by, and as things become more packaged, “easier to use”, and “frameworks” popping up everywhere, I have found time and time again that the trusty UNIX command line and tools have saved the day when the pressure was on (this includes stuff like perl and [recently] python scripting), without the overhead of setting up grandiose configurations and such.

How did you get started with UNIX? Stories involving hacks and / or someone over your shoulder looking in amazement are welcome 🙂

Modified: 11 September 2007 15:26:56 EST