Archive for June, 2008

MapServer 5.2 is coming

We just released beta1 yesterday. And lots of new features (enhanced templating, SQL Server 2008 support, Google API support for tiling) and bug fixes. Oh, and the OGC support grows; WCS 1.1, WFS 1.1, SOS 1.0.0 to name a few new implementations. While full CITE compliance is not quite complete for some of these, I think the initial implementations are very solid, and have already passed many of the CITE assertions.

For me, I’m happy to see the increased OGC support, as well as broadening MapServer’s capabilities for defacto standards like Google tiling, as well as the new possibilities as a result of the templating (like GeoJSON, etc.). Community feedback on this release would be great, if you want to follow the release plan. Final release is slated for 09 July 2008.

What features are you looking forward to using for 5.2.0?

Firefox 3 drops this Tuesday

Good news.  With all the new features and performance improvements, I’m guessing I’m not the only one looking forward to this release.

Modified: 12 June 2008 07:49:19 EST