Archive for April, 2009

MapServer 5.4.0 released

Announced yesterday, this release closes 92 bugs, and adds some new goodies.

Next stop: MapServer 6.0

Sun, Oracle and MySQL  I wonder what this will mean for MySQL?

Creating sitemap files for GeoNetwork

Sitemaps are a valuable way to index your content for web crawlers.  GeoNetwork is a great tool for metadata management and a portal environment for discovery.  I wanted to push out all metadata resources out as a sitemap so that content can be found by web crawlers.  Python to the rescue:

import MySQLdb
# connect to db
db=MySQLdb.connection(host='', user='foo',passwd='foo',db='geonetwork')
# print out XML header
print """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

# fetch all metadata
db.query("""select id, schemaId, changeDate from Metadata where isTemplate = 'n'""")
r = db.store_result()

for row in r.fetch_row(0): # write out a url element
    if row[1] == 'fgdc-std':
        url = ''
    if row[1] == 'iso19139':
        url = ''
    print """ <url>
 </url>""" % (url, row[0], row[2], row[1])
print '</urlset>'

Done!  It would be great if this were an out-of-the-box feature of GeoNetwork.

Using Python to parse config files

Alot of tools out there have some sort of configuration which, at run time, is read and used in the process accordingly.  When writing tools, my config file format has always been something like:

title: My Tool
# commented out line

description: This is my tool.  # another comment

Since I’m using Python for much of my scripting these days, I decided to write a small parser to handle this type of config.  So here’s what I’ve come up with:

import fileinput, re

def parse(file=None, delim=':'):
        Parses a config file formatted like:
        foo: bar
        # comments: out line
        - comments allowed (#)
        - empty lines allowed
        - spaces allowed


    d = {}

    if file is None:
        return -1

    for line in fileinput.input(file):
        if not line.strip(): # skip empty or space padded lines
        if re.compile('^#').search(line) is not None: # skip commented lines
        else: # pick up key and value pairs
            kvp = line.strip().split(delim)
            if kvp[1].strip().split('#') is not None:
                d[kvp[0].strip()] = kvp[1].split('#')[0].strip()
                d[kvp[0].strip()] = kvp[1].strip()
    return d

Seems to work well so far.  I wonder if there’s a config file standard out there?

MapServer Disaster: you have got to be kidding me

I’m beyond words at this point.

Modified: 1 April 2009 15:27:24 EST