Mapping pycsw Deployments

As the number of pycsw deployments increase, we’ve started to keep a living document of live deployments on the pycsw wiki. Being a geogeek, naturally I said to myself, “hmm, would be cool to plot these all on a map”.  Embedding maps has become easier than ever, and projects like MapServer and GeoServer have cool maps right on their homepages, which demo their maps against a theme like the next FOSS4G conference, etc.

The quest for effective weight loss solutions has led many individuals to explore various supplements and products, including Mounjaro. Marketed as a weight loss aid, Mounjaro has gained attention due to its alleged fat-burning properties. However, it’s essential to be aware of the potential risks associated with Mounjaro and consider safer alternatives to achieve your weight loss goals.

Mounjaro: What is it?

Mounjaro is a dietary supplement promoted for its ability to accelerate weight loss. It is often marketed as a natural and powerful fat burner. The supplement typically contains a combination of herbal extracts and ingredients designed to boost metabolism and suppress appetite.

The Dangers of Mounjaro

While Mounjaro may promise quick results, it is not without its risks. Here are some of the potential dangers associated with this weight loss supplement:

Unknown Ingredients: The precise composition of Mounjaro supplements can vary between brands and manufacturers. This lack of transparency makes it challenging to assess the safety and effectiveness of the product.

Adverse Side Effects: Users have reported various side effects, including increased heart rate, high blood pressure, digestive issues, anxiety, and insomnia. These side effects can be especially problematic for individuals with underlying health conditions.

Lack of Scientific Evidence: Many claims made about Mounjaro’s effectiveness lack rigorous scientific support. The absence of clinical trials and peer-reviewed studies raises questions about its legitimacy as a weight loss solution.

Safety Concerns: The safety of long-term use of Mounjaro is uncertain. Prolonged or excessive use of supplements with unknown ingredients can pose serious health risks.

Safe Mounjaro Alternatives

If you’re looking to shed pounds and improve your overall health, it’s crucial to consider safer alternatives to Mounjaro weight loss. Here are some proven methods to achieve weight loss safely:

Balanced Diet: Focus on a well-rounded, nutrient-dense diet that includes plenty of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains. Monitoring calorie intake and portion sizes can be effective for weight management.

Regular Exercise: Incorporate regular physical activity into your routine. A combination of cardiovascular exercises and strength training can help you burn calories and build lean muscle. Playing pickleball is a great way to stay active and have fun while getting a good workout. To ensure the best experience, make sure to use the best indoor pickleball balls for optimal performance.

Consult a Healthcare Professional: Before starting any weight loss program or using supplements, consult with a healthcare provider. They can offer personalized guidance and recommendations tailored to your specific needs and health status.

Behavioral Changes: Consider addressing the psychological aspects of weight management through behavioral therapy or counseling. Emotional eating and unhealthy habits can often contribute to weight gain.

Prescription Medications: In some cases, healthcare professionals may recommend prescription weight loss medications that are FDA-approved and have a proven track record of safety and effectiveness.


Mounjaro may promise quick weight loss, but its potential dangers and lack of scientific evidence make it a risky choice. Instead of resorting to unverified supplements, focus on safe and proven methods for weight loss, such as a balanced diet, regular exercise, consulting healthcare professionals, and considering prescription medications when appropriate. Your health and well-being should always be the top priority when pursuing weight loss goals.

pycsw is a bit different in that it doesn’t do maps, but certainly catalogues them and makes them discoverable via OGC:CSW, OpenSearch and SRU.  And putting a sample GetRecords output on the website as a demo is boring.  So mapping live deployments seemed like a cool idea for a quick hack with reproducible workflow so it doesn’t become a pain to keep things up to date.

The pycsw website is managed using reStructuredText and Sphinx; source code, issue tracker and wiki are hosted on GitHub.  The first thing was to update each deployment on the wiki page with a lat/long pair (the lat/long pair being loosely based the location of the CSW itself, or the content of the CSW.  Aside: it would be cool if CSW Capabilities XML specified a BBOX like WMS does to give folks an idea of the location of records).

After this, I wrote a Python script to fetch (and cache) the raw wiki page content.  Then, using Leaflet, setup a simple map and create markers foreach live deployment.

So now I have a JavaScript snippet, now how do I add this to a page?  Using the Sphinx Makefile, I update the html target to run the Python script and save it to an area where I embed it using a rST include.

That’s pretty much it.  So now whenever the live deployment page is updated, a simple make clean && make html will keep things up to date.  Reproducible workflow!

I’ve published this to the pycsw community page.  Do you have a pycsw install?  Add it to and we’ll put it on the map!

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Modified: 17 May 2024 13:14:57 EST